
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started


Registration for the 2024/2025 summer season is now OPEN!

Summer 2024/2024 Registration Now Open!

Please make sure you have been in contact with the coaches before registering.

How to register:

  1. At the bottom of the page choose NEW MEMBER (have never played water polo before) or RETURNING MEMBER (have previously played water polo for UNSW Wests)
  2. Follow instructions to complete registration
  3. Active Kids Voucher :
    PLEASE ENTER DETAILS AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION and ensure that the discount is applied BEFORE PAYMENT.
  4. Finalise payment online

For any questions email Coco at

Are you a transfer?

If you are transferring from another club to UNSW Wests please click 'RENEW' and follow the prompts.

If you are transferring in the middle of the season please provide your National ID number and send an email to We will then request a transfer. Once your transfer is approved by your previous club, we will invoice you for the season.

Active Kids Vouchers

  • Please have your Active Kids voucher code ready at registration for $50 discount on your fees. If it does not work do not proceed with rego, and email

Can you combine the two vouchers to pay for the one activity? No, you cannot combine the two vouchers. Active Kids is intended to increase a child’s participation in sport or active recreation.

The vouchers must be used for a separate program of activity or a different activity. More info here

If you have further questions relating to registration or payment, please contact Club Admin directly by email at

Again, we look forward to a great summer season at UNSW Wests both in and out of the pool.

Mark Gilbert - Club President




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